Lucas is a cheerful & energetic young physiotherapist from London. He has vivid blue eyes, light blond hair and it's impossible not to be caught by his light hearted vibe. We spoke about Climate Change & Mental Health during the pandemic related quarantine in March 2020, over face-time.
>"Do you feel like Climate Change affects your day to day life?"
"Yes, i try to be mindful in most occasions in regards to simple things that i think we should all do. Things like leaving our light off when it's uneccessary, closing the tab. I ride my Car only when i really need to. I don't use plastic shopping bags. It affects the little things and habits in my life."
>"Does climate change affect your emotional well being?"
" I try to not let it affect me. The media are right to show how horrific things are, but it's not very well balanced. We don't hear about the good things as much as we should. It is draining to realize what horrors are found in the world.
As an englishman i have been affected a lot, and we have enough on our plate at the moment. Most times, i am hopeful that we will find broader solutions. The reason i am a little divided is the huge cap between educated people not being mediatised enough and a lot of stupid people getting way to much attention. It makes their opinion count more than the topic they are talking about.
In a world where trump can lead the biggest economy in world ..."
For those who struggle with distress and hopelessness i would advice to stop spending so much time on social media. The amount of time we spend on these platforms makes us feel like shit. Be more in contact with your community than the rest of the world. Look for positive News. Speak things through, and don't hesiate to ask for advice.
>Where did you get your information from?
Definitely not from school, it should be more in schools though! I think kids being born after 2005 are more educated in that sense. It's not really a topic in my Family either. I guess i use common sense and i inform myself. I read articles, watch documentaries. I think it's a generational mindshift, it's much more present than it has been in the past. With our world wide connection our global awareness is increasing, small waves make big waves; for example greta!
> Do you feel included into society through groups/ events related to ecological topics?
"more included? No. It doesn't really affect my social life"